Here are some home training tips to keep you tip top ready!

don’t rely on take out burgers and fries every night.
-Focus on general fitness and health! Don’t get too crazy with the Netflix binging and baking. Hop on the ground and do a quick HIT workout. Mountain climbers, skates, ski jumps, push up and bicycles are great bodyweight exercises to get your heart rate up. Make smoothies and other healthy food options; don’t rely on take out burgers and fries every night. Hydrate with water, don’t just drink that pot of coffee sitting in your kitchen all day long!

Yoga with Adrienne is a fun place to start
-Yoga! Now is the time to try it since you can dedicate a solid three weeks to starting a new routine. Plus, you can do it in the privacy of your own home where it’s okay if you accidentally fart. Yoga with Adrienne is a fun place to start, and she even has a video specifically for climbers. CHECK IT OUT
Make sure to start out light to prevent the on set of tendinitis.
-Use that hang board and pull up bar that’s been idly collecting dust in your doorway as an extra coat hanger. Make sure to start out light to prevent the on set of tendinitis.

Get creative and use your pets or babies as training weights!
-Tag your friends in the instagram challenges to stay accountable! #see10send10 #see20send20 ... pull ups, push-ups, squats… Get creative and use your pets or babies as training weights!

A great tool, FREE and brought to you by climbers.
-Check out the Crimpd App! A great tool, FREE and brought to you by climbers. Track your progress, and use the videos for demonstrations on all the exercises, focusing on core, antagonist workouts, flexibility…

-Do some climbing related reading for education and entertainment! No worries if the bookstores are closed … use that kindle you bought for road trips. Here are a few that we recommend:
-Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
-The Rock Warriors Way, Mental Training for Climbers by Arno Ilner
-Push by Tommy Caldwell
-Women Who Dare by Chris Noble
-Rock Jocks, Wall Rats and Hang Dogs by John Long
-Eiger Dreams by Jon Krakauer
-Post Cards from the Ledge by Greg Child
-High Infatuation by Steph Davis
-Drawn: The Art of Ascent by Jeremy Collins